Tableau Member Spotlight

Our first Tableau Member Spotlight:

Lena Žak & Carlos Davila Rinaldi

We highlight two of our members monthly to celebrate the incredible and talented people that we are so proud to have in our growing community. Tableau is made up of artists, creatives and appreciators from around the globe. Read more to discover new artists & get some much needed inspo.


Lena Zak is a mixed-media artist working primarily in painting and drawing. She draws inspiration from the topic of duality — the seemingly opposing and entwined forces that shape both our world and her personal experience of it: harmony and chaos, black and white, creation and destruction. Her practice is an expression of freedom without limits, where she abandons the constraints of the traditional use of certain materials, tools, and forms. She tends to incorporate found and acquired non-traditional objects, both as materials and tools. Utilizing techniques such as decomposition, fragmentation, layering and various destructive techniques allows her to come up with new forms and ways to explore opposing forces even further.


Carlos Davila Rinaldi is a mid-career painter and sculptor presently living and working in Puerto Rico. In the early 90’s he began a series of parallel works that were figurative, with deep social concerns. These works feed off the island’s social political arena where he ridicules the current happenings and island situation.  In the artist’s words… “These works have allowed me to feel I have a say in the matter. I’m able to rant, condemn and make fun of some serious issues we face on the island then go on my merry way.”


Tableau Member Spotlight


A Moment with Ian Banja